Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The influence of leadership style on the interpersonal relationship Essay

The influence of leadership style on the interpersonal relationship between employees and employers - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that in the view of Bagley, leadership is â€Å"the ability to guide and motivate a group of people to a common purpose.† To this end, Allen defines a leader as one â€Å"who can visualize a better world in the future and is able to convince others to join him or her on the journey.† This is to explain that leadership is all about guiding a group of people towards achieving a common goal. Leadership is needed for the growth of companies, organizations, institutions and even countries. As a matter of fact, a leader’s qualities, style, and strategies can determine to a very large extent, whether or not the people or organization he is leading will succeed or fail. In view of the importance of leaders to succeed in their leadership, however, several leadership styles, strategies, and qualities have been propounded by scholars and philosophers. Based on these qualities and strategies, it is believed that the kind of qualiti es a leader possesses and the sort of strategies he puts in place in his leadership can do or undo his group. To this effect, and based on a number of leadership strategies available in the literature, a number of interview questions were developed and administered on 5 employees in a U.S organization to find from them what they expect from their leaders. These expectations have been grouped into four themes and analyzed in terms of leadership qualities and strategies as propounded in existing literature.... Each section had two major questions. The results obtained from each employee were recorded on separate sheets of papers, after which a qualitative analysis was applied. The qualitative analysis did not involve the use mathematical diagrams, charts and tables. Rather, it made use of objective evaluation of the results in a holistic manner where conclusions on responses were taken judging from what the majority of workers without giving specific numbers as to what each respondent said. Below is an evaluation and report from information gathered in the interview as pertains to each theme. The information have been evaluated and analyzed by comparing and contrasting them to current leadership literature, some of which have been quoted in the report. The influence of leadership style on the interpersonal relationship between employees and employers There are several leadership styles but for the sake of this exercise, three leadership styles were used. These leadership styles are laissez faire style, autocratic style, and participative style. According to Legacee Management System (2011) these three leadership styles fall under the classical leadership style. According to Legacee Management System (2011), â€Å"The laissez faire style implies low control, the autocratic style high control and the participative lies somewhere in between.† Based on explanation of the three leadership styles, the employees were asked which of them existed at their in their organization. From the description of the leadership style that goes on in their organization, it was deduced that four of them pointed to autocratic leadership style where as one pointed to participative leadership

Monday, February 10, 2020

Regulating Units Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Regulating Units - Essay Example A valve positioner is a device which exactly positions a control valve to the required position as per the signal given to it. Positioner senses the valve opening through a position feedback link connected to valve. Controlled external supply air to positioner provides power to positioner to position a valve. A globe valve is that in which inlet and outlet openings are arranged in several ways to suit varying requirements of flow. It can give straight flow, angular flow and cross flow. The major application is to get good flow control. Picture below: Ball valves are stop valves that use a ball to stop or start the flow of fluid. When operated, the ball rotates to a point where the hole through the ball is in line with the valve body inlet and outlet. Picture below: Gate valves are used when a straight-line flow of fluid and minimum restric ­tion is desired. The part that either stops or allows flow through the valve acts somewhat like the opening or closing of a gate and is called, the gate. Butterfly valves are used in a variety of systems aboard ship. These valves can be used effectively in freshwater and saltwater. It consists of a butterfly disc which when rotated determines the flow of liquid through it. It is used for Good flow control at high capacities. Valve positioners compare a control signal to a valve actuator’s position and move the actuator accordingly. The most modern valves come with following specifications. Deadband -