Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Dangers Of Unsafe Sleep - 1738 Words

One of the most enjoyable moments in a parent’s life is to see the birth of their child. They would do anything to protect their little one from any diseases or illnesses but sometimes there are some things they do not know about until it was too late. Once they get home, some parents are prepared for a newborn and others are not. Being in the hospital, parents have nurses to help them out and transition them into parenthood for the short time they are there, however once they leave they are on their own caring for their child. One thing that most parents are not aware is about the dangers of unsafe sleep in the home. Safe sleep is one of the most important things to educate parents on. From informing ways to help prevent any incidents happening while their newborn is sleeping to providing a safe sleeping environment for the newborn to prevent any harm while asleep. According to Sauber-Schatz’s article, the biggest sleep-related issues are Sudden Unexplained Infant Deaths (SUID) which includes Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). SIDS has one of the highest mortality rates for infants aging one month to one year of life. The purpose of this paper is to show how culture plays a role in safe sleep and that if parents are not educated enough on safe sleep; unsafe environments can lead to SIDS. Safe Sleep Education Education plays an important role when it comes to caring for a new baby, and that includes safe sleep. One of the most common short comings in this area isShow MoreRelatedDangers Posed By The Fast Food Industry899 Words   |  4 PagesDangers Posed by the Fast Food Industry â€Å"A nation s diet can be more revealing than its art or literature† (Schlosser, 3). Historically, few trends have been as popular in the United States as fast food. 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